Friday, 24 April 2015

Two old Rollers in one day? Oh, and two kingfishers.

Yes, I know this is supposed to be a canal blog, but we saw two ancient cars today. One was in Gnosall, where we'd gone for a walk before lunch; the other was canalside in the Shebdon area.

Here's the Gnosall one, just after filling up at the Texaco garage.

Despite the lack of Pegasus the Spirit of Ecstasy (thanks KevinTOO) on the radiator filler cap I believe it's a Rolls Royce as there was an RR symbol was above the grille.

To start the car the driver (chauffeur?) fetched his starting handle and gave the engine the merest hint of a turn before getting back into the car. I don't know how he knew it had started; true to reputation it didn't make a sound.

We stopped at Norbury Junction to have a look round. Some of the boats in the wharf had intriguing markings on their hulls.

I have no idea what they are for. Anyone?

Everyone seems to take a photo of High Bridge with its old telegraph pole on a brick strut, so I'm not going to show you mine. Instead, here is the next bridge, Double Culvert Bridge. This carries a stream as well as a footpath.

I got Jan to drop me off in the bridge hole so I could nip up and take a look.

The stream was dry and overgrown where I could see it before it disappears under concrete covers as it crosses the bridge.

I saw two kingfishers today - the first since leaving Milton Keynes a month ago. One was the usual brilliant flash of electric blue streaking ahead of the boat before disappearing into the bushes.

Jan spotted the other. It was perching on a branch as we went by, just a few feet away. Amazingly it didn't fly off. I fumbled to get my camera out of its case; by the time I could take a photo it was becoming partially hidden.

Still, it's the best shot I've managed to get. Actually, I think it's the only shot.

And the other Roller? This was, incongruously, next to a fairly unkempt mooring among trees on the offside. This one does appear to have Pegasus the Sprit of Ecstasy flying from the filler cap.

Kingfishers and Rolls Royces are evidently not like buses. I'm still waiting for the third of each to come along.

This post was written and published using the free wi-fi of the Wharf Tavern, Goldstone. (Password provided at the bar - no "registering" needed.) Cost: a pint of Atlantic, which I enjoyed.


Alan Fincher said...

I would say the chalked marks on the boat at Norbury relate to it having recently been surveyed.

The surveyor has marked it out at what look to be 1 foot intervals, and labelled these I think.

Then under some of these he seems to have chalked on the thickesses his tester came up with - e.g 59 means he has measured 5.9mm on what was originally nominally 6mm plate.

I may be interpreting the actual numbers wrongly, but I'm sure it relates to a survey - many surveyors "write" on the hull like this.

KevinTOO said...

Sorry to correct you Halfie (a rare event by all accounts) but I think it's The Spirit of Ecstasy and not Pegasus on a Roller :)

Halfie said...

Alan, thank you. Yes, that seems likely.

Kevin, oops! Thanks for the correction. I don't know where "Pegasus" came from.

Jim said...

Thanks for bringing back happy memories of when I kept Starcross at Norbury Jc. I should never have moved it! I've heard it said that that the Roller in Grub Street marks the secret hiding place of Lord Lucan!;-)

Graham and Jill Findlay said...

Sorry to correct you but the motor in Grubb Street cutting is actually an Armstrong Siddeley. It belongs to Trevor, one of the best boat sign writers on the cut. He lives on the old butty moored there and is often to be found in the Anchor.

Graham said...

The "Roller" "Armstrong Siddeley" in the cutting could even be a Rover!

Halfie said...

Graham/Jill/Graham, so that's not the Spirit of Ecstasy on the second car, then. Thought the radiator grill looked wrong.


Adam said...

My money is on a Daimler DB18 drophead coupe.