For the last two years we've been disturbed by the bleeping construction vehicles, chainsaws, radios, dust and "loss of visual amenity" as the house next door has been pulled down to be replaced by 18 dwellings. To make space for them a lot of trees were cleared, including a landmark line of poplars. Oh, and the telegraph pole carrying our phone line (and internet) was "accidentally" knocked over. Very convenient for the developer, very inconvenient for us.
But after all the initial planning objections delayed things a bit, we had to accept the inevitable. So when the chainsaw gang started cutting down the lovely trees I plied them with tea, and was rewarded with logs. I spent a few days chopping them up: they're now feeding our woodburner. Story and photos here and here.
Last Friday I had a day off. When I heard a chainsaw whining away at the bottom of the garden I went to investigate. After checking with the council that the tree being attacked wasn't subject to a preservation order I did the tea-for-timber trick. I asked if a few logs could be chucked over the fence when they'd done. When I went back after the tree cutters had gone I discovered a huge pile of massive bits of tree trunk my side of the fence. Far more than I'd expected - well worth three mugs of tea! (And a slightly damaged fence).

By the way, what's the difference between timber and lumber? I've gone for "timber" in the title for its alliterative effect, but, even after looking up both words in the dictionary, I'm not sure which is more appropriate.
How awful to have to suffer such inconvenience and disruption of your peaceful life and garden.
I wonder what would have happened to all that wood if you hadn't asked for it?
Anyway the logs are at least a small compensation for what has happened.
nb Oakfield
Although, with the trees out of the way I'll be able to find your house easier!
Wozie, yes, when we moved here 19 years ago it was rather idyllic: in the centre of the village, yet surrounded by trees and large gardens,
Carl, ace Mac fixer, in one way I wish you won't have to again! But if you're ever passing, of course you would be most welcome. Just look for the new houses!
I suppose it's not over yet, is it? Have the houses been built or do you still have to suffer that inconvenience? I must say I think I'd be inclined to move if I were next door to one house being replaced by 18! The future prospects of having to cope with the noise and congestion caused by that number of extra people doesn't strike me as something easily compensated....poor you!
VallyP, no, it's not quite over yet. Today the air has been full of the noise of a digger scraping the development's road clean of mud. All the houses have now been built: the last few are being fitted out and decorated. Two or three of the first to be built are now occupied. We haven't ruled out moving, but we were hoping that our next move would be to somewhere convenient for the canals. That's not going to be while we're both still working in Norfolk.
If its not 'timber for tea' it would have to be 'lumber for lunch' I suppose!
Lumber sounds American to me, a bit like trash instead of rubbish.
Captain Ahab, yes, but you don't get "timberjacks" do you?
Here in the states, timber is the raw cut wood still covered in bark. Lumber is the processed wood cut to dimension, ready to build with.
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