We are under way again, and back in the routine (for me) of boating, cycling, driving and cycling. We left Old Wolverton about noon, winding at Galleon Wharf before heading north to Stoke Bruerne.
On the way we passed at least three historic boats, possibly on their way back from the Stoke Bruerne Village at War event which finished yesterday. The first of these was Runcorn, at least, I think that is its name. Also sign-written on the boat are R.S.H. and Lead-us. (Update: the name is Lead-Us - thanks Sarah and another commenter.) I pressed a couple of wrong buttons on the camera before I got my act together, so the shot is of the boat disappearing behind us.
I was better prepared when Hampton came past.
All is not as it seems with this boat. Close inspection of the 'ellum reveals two high pressure hoses ...
… evidence of hydraulic drive.
And being blown around in a pound on the Stoke Bruerne flight was Dover.
The owners have had the boat two years.
As we came up the flight I was interested to see if anything had been done to the dodgy paddle gear on the nearside bottom gate at Lock 18. It hadn't. I had a closer look: with the paddle raised and held on the pawl, it is possible to wind the paddle down again without lifting the pawl. It merely jumps out of each tooth, even when done slowly. I have had no response from CRT to my e-mail about it sent last Thursday.
Well we left home at quarter past ten and at quarter past one we were
parked in the marina. Not a bad run, just one hold up on the A14 where it
dropped t...
6 hours ago
Lead-Us is the motorised stern end of the butty Lepus, iirc.
Lead Us is Roger Hatchard's tug as said 20ft of the bow came from Lepus Normally moored in Diglis
Thank you Sarah and Anon.
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