I have never yet managed to get a decent shot of Hartshill Yard. Here the crane is partially obscuring the clock tower. I think the only way will be to get off the boat and take it from the towpath.
We came down nine of the 11 Atherstone Locks today, stopping below Lock 5 for lunch and a walk round the town.
I learnt something new about Atherstone today (or, more likely, relearnt - I tend to forget some things). Every Shrove Tuesday, while the rest of us are making and consuming pancakes, the people of Atherstone play football in the high street with an oversize ball. They've been doing this for - can you believe it? - more than 800 years.
Oh, and Atherstone is also famous for hat making, especially felt hats.
The last hat factory closed in 1990, according to the small museum in the high street (actually called Long Street).
Today started windy and drizzly; the drizzle stopped but the wind made for interesting boating. Tomorrow is supposed to be even windier. Fun! On my way back along the towpath after collecting the car I saw our friend and fellow BCF member Graham on Dawn Run coming up the bottom lock. I invited him to join us for a meal on board Jubilee, so we had a good chat over food and drink.
Now I must take the can off the cabin top otherwise the rattling in the wind will keep us awake.
Well we left home at quarter past ten and at quarter past one we were
parked in the marina. Not a bad run, just one hold up on the A14 where it
dropped t...
5 hours ago
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