Here it is, for what it's worth. My hundredth post in this blog. The first was on 19th November last year. Since then I've learnt how to add photos and links, and how to make text bold or italic. I've tried to conform to bletiquette, but I think I might have transgressed when posting all those photos of bridges in recent posts. I've tried to write interestingly, but I know I will never match Sarah or Andrew. I have learnt to be a little freer when writing. Although pride prevents me from knowingly making grammatical or spelling errors, I can see that the really interesting blogs come from an uninhibited, almost uncaring, splurge of thought direct to the keyboard. Certainly the most readable blogs are those whose authors don't mind revealing quite a lot about themselves: Here I am - take me or leave me.
I would welcome suggestions as to how I could improve - but let's just stick to my blogging technique, shall we?
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