We set off from Westport Lake at about 0900 and enjoyed the deep waters of this part of the Trent and Mersey, reaching 4 mph at times. At Etruria we turned onto the Caldon Canal to use the services, watering up and emptying the Elsan. The Elsan point was nice and clean, but the flush took ages to refill. Rinsing out the cassette was a slow job as, instead of a tap to press or turn there was a plastic pipe attached to a cistern with a pull flush. This also took a very long time to refill, so the spare cassette hasn't had as good a rinse as usual.
We made good progress to Stone, despite a slow start down the Stoke Locks behind a newbie steerer on a hire boat. At least her companion knew what to do so it could have been worse.
Once tied up on the 24 hour mooring above Star Lock I changed the oil and fuel filters. I was interested to see the crud which had collected on top of the primary fuel filter, which was obviously doing its job.
The secondary, spin-on, filter is difficult to inspect. I suspect that it had picked up hardly anything, and that I could have reused the fuel I poured out of it. Oh well. It's worth a few centilitres of diesel (and a new filter or two) for peace of mind.
That's two dirty(ish) jobs (I managed to get an oil stain on my T-shirt). Yesterday I carried out the revolting task of cleaning out the shower sump in an effort to find out why the float switch sometimes didn't work. When I'd finished cleaning out the gruesome gunk I discovered that the switch itself was intermittent. I had hoped it was the yukky mess that was stopping it working properly, now it was evident that it wasn't. I need a new float switch. I can get one for about £9 on Amazon, but delivery will be a problem. The alternative is spending about £30 in a chandlery. Hmm.
To end today's post here's a piccy of a fine-looking house just above Newcastle Road Lock in Stone.
Oh - nearly forgot - we met up with Adrian and Chris (Essence) and John and Jane (Ichthus) for a delicious curry at the Crown of India in Stone this evening.
Welton Field Marina entrance
We set off at 10 am, the first stop was only 50 yards away on the offside
where we stopped for water, whilst there I nipped into Midland Chandlers to
10 hours ago
The Post Office in the Spar shop in Great Haywood is very good for Poste Restante. They're very used to it, since they're near the canal and marina. The shop itself is open long hours, and they've always been happy to look for post that's arrived and in the box, even if it's at a time when all Post Office services are not being offered. We've used it a lot.
Hi John,
Happy to have it delivered to me and I'll drive it over to you as you are getting close..... What is your route at Great Haywood, S&W or T&M
Or you could probably get it delivered to the Taft if you order it this evening.
Was a good meal and another smashing evening spent with friends.
Martin and Chris, thanks for the suggestions, and Nev, thanks very much for the offer. Because we're not entirely sure of our plans after The Taft this weekend (near Rugeley) I don't really know where we're going to be and when. Might go to the Black Country festival - haven't looked at routes yet.
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