I love the effect you sometimes see when the sun is hidden behind clouds, but there are gaps which allow rays of sunshine to become visible.

These pictures were taken from the LLangollen Canal on the first day of our recent cruise.

I keep promising myself I'll set up a (static) timelapse camera to film such a scene. I'd like to see those rays move!
Incidentally, both Heather from Takey Tezey and my wife have told me I'm too negative about my photographic ability (thanks for the pun, Heather). So, from now on, I'll try to be less modest.
More great photos coming up: watch this space!
I also think you are too modest Halfie. I seem to remember telling you how much I like your photos on many occasions...but do you listen? Sigh.......;-)
In any event, these are fabulous, and you should be actively proud of them. Gorgeous sky skapes, and particularly as it looks as if it was approaching evening.
OK, OK! Modesty is OUT! I do take note of what you say, VallyP, and I do appreciate your comments. Thanks.
Your photos are really good Halfie, I would certainly hang them on my boat walls! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Debbie.
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