Andrew Denny of Granny Buttons alerted us yesterday to a planning application with Aylesbury Vale District Council for "Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 14 dwellings and associated works" at BW's Marsworth yard. Is this what BW wants to demolish? That would be a shame.

Some of the yard is visible to the right of the Aylesbury Arm in the above photo.

I took these on a cruise on the Grand Union in March.
That would indeed be a shame. It's a fine old building. I wonder that it isn't listed.
By the way, how do the canals fare when all the rest of the country is getting flooded? Are there sufficient run offs, basins and other controls to prevent them overflowing too?
VallyP, that's funny, I've very recently responded to one of Heather's posts on her Takey Tezey blog about what happens when there's a lot of rain on a canal (her post is here: http://takeytezey.blogspot.com/2009/11/where-do-they-go.html )
Here's the relevant bit of my comment as posted there:
Hi Heather, all the locks should have bywashes to take excess water downstream. Long pounds usually have overflow weirs to get rid of excess rainwater too.
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