I write this sitting by the stove with its gently whirring Ecofan, having just eaten a slice of (M&S) coffee and walnut cake with cream. Jan is also sitting at the table doing a "Codeword" puzzle.
We are tied up at Fenny Compton Wharf next to Maffi, whom we saw for a bit, but then I cycled with Ben to get his car from Marston Doles.
I'd better start from the beginning (of today). It is son-in-law Ben's birthday, and we had a late start as we had a present-opening session at breakfast. He was very pleased with the cycle panniers we gave him.
At 1015 we set off from Marston Doles along the Oxford Canal towards Oxford. It's been another dry day (apart from a small amount of rain just now), but quite windy.
We stopped by a bridge convenient for visiting the village of Priors Hardwick, which was a gentle half-hour's walk, and well worth doing. We looked round St. Mary's church, with its butress scored by arrow- or knife-sharpening, and encountered a slightly eccentric Portuguese gentleman wearing a jacket with the crest of The Butcher's Arms (the restaurant in the village), a portcullis badge on one lapel and a pair of crossed flags - Union and Portuguese - on the other. He claimed to be very famous and to own the restaurant, but he said a lot of incredible things.
Back on board we carried on to Fenny Compton where we watered up and then moved a few boat lengths to be next to Milly M.
Ally and Ben had to leave us at this point, so, as I have said, Ben and I cycled back to get his car. Our route took us through Wormleighton, where there is an interesting gatehouse (I presume) with an archway under it. Unfortunately I had forgotten my camera. A little further on was a farm building whose roof was completely covered in PV solar panels. I quickly estimated there to be more than 300 of them!
After Ally and Ben had gone Jan and I went to the Wharf Inn for a meal. It was just after 6 pm, and so we had just missed out on the "2-4-10" - two main meals for £10 deal. Oh well. Jan had beef (sic) bourguinogne (OK) and I had lamb shank (on the tasteless side).
Maffi said something about possibly seeing us in the pub later, so I'd better publish this and get along. Sorry for the lack of photos - I haven't got round to uploading them and resizing etc. Perhaps tomorrow.
Well we left home at quarter past ten and at quarter past one we were
parked in the marina. Not a bad run, just one hold up on the A14 where it
dropped t...
10 hours ago
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