I managed to catch some spectators lit by the flash of the fireworks.

Three days later this was outside The Forum in Norwich.

The Starchaser Skybolt rocket is ... well, here's what the website says about it:
SKYBOLT has been designed to flight test a Starchaser rocket engine and prove the modular vehicle construction and secondly to achieve real space flight experience. SKYBOLT is designed to be reusable, a trait that is almost unique compared to other existing sounding rockets. At around 800mm diameter and nearly 12m tall SKYBOLT will deliver a 20kg payload to a target altitude of over 130km (83 miles).

At 38 feet tall (long) it would easily fit in a lock. The "finspan" is given at 7.5 feet (2.286m): a bit of trigonometry is required to see if it would fit in a narrow lock.
I've just done the trig - it would easily fit, with 15 inches to spare. (If I've done it right.) Obviously it goes in orientated as in the above picture. Hang on ... what am I talking about? Rockets in locks? You'll be wanting some of what I've had! (It's only hot chocolate, honest!)
Now all you need to do is put some windows in the side & you're off...
(Oh dear I'll just get my coat)
Might be tricky to keep to the speed limit...
Why bother no one else does these days.
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