Quick - it's nearly time to go to work and I haven't prepared a blog post for today. What shall I do? I know, there's a photo I took of a fairground ride which sat on Millennium Plain outside The Forum in Norwich over the Christmas period. It's called "Pride of the (something)" (sorry, I can't remember what it's the pride of now), and is a traditional galloping horses ride. Probably very famous. Pride of the South. Just looked it up.

I experimented with slow shutter speeds and I've tweaked the results on iPhoto.

This is just to show what it looked like "at rest".
There is a boating connection, but there's no time to give it right now. Work calls.
What on earth are these about? Is it some sort of scam? I enjoyed the photos - as always.
What on earth are these about? Is it some sort of scam? I enjoyed the photos - as always.
What on earth are these about? Is it some sort of scam? I enjoyed the photos - as always.
What on earth are these about? Is it some sort of scam? I enjoyed the photos - as always.
Why has my comment appeared four times? And why didn't my name appear when I put it in the username box?
Hello Anonymous. No, they were spam, not scam messages. I don't know why your comment appeared four times, and I don't know about a "username box" (I don't see one). If you want to be identified just put your name in the same box as your comment, like this:
I don't know about the user name either, you may have used openID. If you're having problems, use the Anonymous button and put your name in the message as Halfie suggested. The 4 posts are almost always due to impatience: Hit "Publish Your Comment" ONCE then be patient, sometimes it takes awhile.
Thank you both. I shall ignore the username box in future and do as Halfie suggests.It's not so much as being impatient as a conviction I haven't done the right thing if nothing seems to be happening.
H. Senior!
What's happened to the boot comments? I showed M. what I had written and of course it doesn't make sense now.
H.Senior, I deleted the spam comments, and I'll delete any which come in the future.
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