And yesterday I referred obliquely to my birthday.
The two things came together hilariously this morning when I opened a card from daughter and son-in-law.

Thanks, Ally and Ben, I laughed a lot!
Curry update: we had a jolly evening at the King's Head in Magdalen Street and the Ali Tandoori on the other side of the road. The ale at the King's Head was so good that I've now forgotten what it was called (although I can remember that it was 4.0 abv and cost £2.60/pint!)
(Beer update: after a bit of searching I've found it on the internet. It was locally brewed Spectrum Bezants. Very tasty.)

(As was the curry.)
excellent card, made me laugh too!
Happy Birthday - retirement is worth getting closer too :-)
Kath (nb Herbie)
Thanks Kath.
Happy Birthday to you! Great birthday card!
Thanks Jan.
Hi Halfie, Belated Happy Birthday! It was nice that Jerry Springer could join you for your Birthday meal! Lol.
Thanks Debbie. And don't worry, it's not belated - the curry was early! Jerry was late. These celebs, they think the world revolves around them...
Just had a look at a photo of Jerry Springer and yes, Chris really does look like a (22 years) younger version of him! Must remember to ask Chris if anyone else has ever noticed the resemblance.
That is a GREAT card, made me laugh out loud. Happy Birthday. Wish I could have joined you for the curry.
Thanks Bill, I guess it would have been a bit far for you to come just for a curry!
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