I did at least two jobs today, both of which involved drilling pilot holes ands screwing into the lining of the boat. I moved the clock to the front bulkhead, where it can now be seen from the galley as well as the saloon. And I put up my Christmas present, a metal BW poster reproduction "Discover yesterday today" with a bucolic scene of a boat being towed under a bridge next to a pub.
After lunch we walked along the towpath to Kingfisher Marina to have a look round. It's marginally cheaper than Thrupp Wharf Marina, but the noisy A508 runs very close by. Also the electricity points will allow a maximum of 6A - not enough for a washing machine or a normal kettle. Still, we'll be bearing it in mind.
Some photos from the walk:
Taverners Boat Club moorings by the Navigation Inn
A swan in the sun
The Navigation Inn and Thrupp Wharf Marina
We clocked up 4.7 miles mostly in sunshine, but with a biting wind and one very light shower. Not a patch on Tom's (Waiouru) route marches but good enough for us.
For tea we bought some more curries from the Castlethorpe shop and shared them with Ally and Ben at their house. After a spot of late evening shopping in Wolverton's 24 hour Tesco we returned to the boat where I am now writing this.
It's the AGM of the Buckingham Canal Society tomorrow (Sat); it will be our first as members.
Short lived but enjoyable
...Ok we are not now on the boat, but that was part of the
plan/arrangement. We both had opticians stuff in Leek today plus other
stuff this PM so reluc...
10 hours ago
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