Wednesday 28 November 2012

Newhaven boat with balcony

A boat we came across on our recent walking holiday in Sussex reminded me about balconies.

I've always liked balconies. There's something about sitting high up and looking out over a drop. At university it was possible to get onto the roof of Davy Hall and sunbathe or drink beer (or both). Now the Halls have been demolished, and summers don't seem quite so sunny now that there are no more exams to revise for.

A boat with a balcony would be fun, but tricky to get under bridges and through tunnels. Perhaps the railings could collapse?

I don't know if the boat in the photo is being worked on or lived on. Or both. Or neither.


Vallypee said...

It actually looks quite charming, but what is the hull? it seeks to be like a modern version of a Dutch aak type barge!

Halfie said...

I know no more than you, Val.