On the north Oxford Canal two months ago this collection of water birds - possibly not "ducks" at all - was swimming along, keeping together in a group.
My handy animal and plant identification book isn't to hand - perhaps I'll have a go at identifying them tomorrow. There seem to be several different species here, unless it's male and female of the same one...
Heading north: Day 1
We were awake fairly early, because it was a big day. Firstly, it was my
55th birthday so there were cards and presents over breakfast (including a
5 hours ago
Hi Halfie
They look rather like domestic Geese to me, perhaps inter bred grey with white (hence the odd colouring)
Beardy Chas
I would say they are geese too. Absolutely. The white ones might have crossed with Chinese geese. We see quite a lot of them here,
Thanks Beardy Chas and Val - I'm glad I suggested they might not have been ducks!
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