Looking through some photos for yesterday's post I realised that I need to get back on the water. I'm missing the cut. Fortunately we have a week on Shadow coming up next month, so there's not too long to wait. I hope there'll be enough water.
I ordered an 8GB memory stick from Maplin on Tuesday for £5.99 with free delivery. I had tried to get it in the central Norwich store but was told that it was an on-line offer only. On Wednesday I had a day off, so happened to be at home when there was a ring at the doorbell. A large FedEx van was in the driveway, and a deliveryman was proffering a jiffybag and something for me to sign. I signed his electronic device, took the package and closed the door - and then wondered what would have happened if I'd been at work. Presumably the delivery would not have been made, and I would have had to go to an office on an industrial estate somewhere to pick it up. The package would easily have fitted through the letterbox - it was only a cheap memory stick - so why did I have to sign for it? Also, why not just stick the stick (so to speak) in the ordinary post?
I see there are other offers at Maplin - for today only - which might be of interest to boaters. There's a 150W inverter for just £17.99; and an 8GB SDHC memory card for £6.99. Possibly not quite as useful for boaters is a telescopic ladder - 3.75m shrinks down to 80cm - for £59.99.
I have no connection with Maplin, by the way - I just thought you might be interested. I'm going to see if I can get the memory card this lunchtime...
Have you seen
No I hadn't, Brian. They look like good deals too.
last time I ordered anything from Maplin Fedex took two months to find my house (not difficult), no thanks to complete disinterest from their customer services, who really need a more appropriate name...
Yes, 7dayshop for memory sticks the like.
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