A boat was almost submerged by the torrent of water gushing through from the lock above. See where the steerer is standing! I wrote about what happened here. The gates were due to be replaced later in the season.
Of course, the biggest problem is the current drought. I fear the rain we had a couple of days ago will soon be a distant memory.
If you have a full length boat the Lock Keeper leaves the lock above empty to avoid sinking you.
That's an alarming photo - looks like a hire boat too - I hope they weren't put off boating!
Sue, nb Indigo Dream
If he'd had a trad stern he could have shut the doors behind him and kept everything dry - more evidence for your boat choice Halfie!
Ray, I think that's what the lockie was aiming for, but we were too efficient and arrived too soon.
Sue, they'll look back on it in a few years' time and laugh about it - I hope!
Sarah, fear not - it will definitely have a trad stern.
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