Subject to survey, and the handing over of a certain quantity of dosh, we will shortly be the proud owners of a narrowboat. It was a tough decision. We knew what we wanted; we also knew that we'd be unlikely to find the perfect boat. This one has many good features, but doesn't tick every box.
Rather than list its possible failings I'll run through some of its good points.
First, it is in very good condition. The floor throughout is oak strips laid on marine ply. The lining-out is light ash, with mirror graining (if that's what you call it). The galley has a beautiful solid wood (beech?) worktop. The bathroom has a quadrant shower cubicle, a decent-size sink and a cassette loo. In the bedroom there is a wardrobe, a shelf unit and a bed. There's a utility room with a washing machine, and an engine "room" with more cupboards.
There's a mix of portholes at the back and rectangular windows at the front.
And, yes, it has a traditional stern.
I'd love to be able to provide some photos, but that will have to wait until it's properly ours. Its name will have to wait, too.
Now we'll have to arrange a survey. I expect there's a list of boat surveyors somewhere. I'll have to find that "buying your first boat" pamphlet which is kicking around somewhere...
If anyone knows a good surveyor in the Erewash Canal area I'm open to suggestions.
Welton Field Marina entrance
We set off at 10 am, the first stop was only 50 yards away on the offside
where we stopped for water, whilst there I nipped into Midland Chandlers to
12 hours ago
Fingers crossed the survey goes well! Congratulations!
Excellent news sound a great boat
We used Ballioe fowden (sp)
Good report on the last 2 boats we have brought
Ooooh it sounds nice. Very pleased for you both. Don't worry about the compromises, just enjoy what you have got.
Neil & Kath
We used Steve Hand from Castle Donington for our survey, he did a good job and is a nice chap. His web site is
Looking forward to seeing it. Hope the survey is O.K.
Glad to hear the search is over and looking forward to learning more. Are you sure about that toilet..... ;-)
Brilliant... congratulations :)
Have you told Shadow yet?
Thanks everyone. Yes, Jim, quite sure. Ray, er, no I haven't!
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