Here's one for Captain Ahab: the aqueduct which carries the Stratford Canal over the River Cole and Aqueduct Road. This is a good one to look at on Google Streetview. This shows the brick-faced south west side of the aqueduct; this shows the rendered north east face as in my photo. (I've forgotten how to embed a Streetview image.)
Just the other side of Shirley Drawbridge is the Whitlock's End railway bridge. Now many of us will have seen trees festooned with plastic bags containing dog poo. Perhaps the same disgusting people think it's all right to chuck their revolting bags of excrement under the bridge. Well, it isn't.

HI halfie
That will be the Earlswood aqueduct: http://ukaqueducts.blogspot.com/2009/05/earlswood-aqueduct.html
Thanks Andy. I didn't know it was called the Earlswood Aqueduct. But I don't think it has anything to do with the Earlswood Reservoir and canal feeder 2.5 miles further down the canal. The aqueduct I photographed, according to the Ordnance Survey, is over the River Cole.
What a horrid thing to do! I wonder why they do it!
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