and did lots of walking. After the cows on the farm the next animal (bird) we saw, as we walked into Bakewell, along footpaths through fields, was this pheasant, catching the sunlight nicely.

As we wandered up to the River Wye in town we noticed that all the litter bins were stuffed with cardboard boxes from the local chippie. Must be a good one, we thought, and so we bought a portion of chips from Wye Plaice. And they were good.
When we first drove into Bakewell we saw roadside posters advertising the local choral society's performance of Elgar's "The Dream of Gerontius" that evening. We decided that we'd go, but we'd walk back to get the car so we didn't have to walk back in the dark after the concert.
So we did walk back for the car, and we did go to the concert, which was in the parish church, and it was very good.

And I will tell the story of the kettle calamity, but not just yet.