This is Gentleman's Walk in Norwich, by the market. In the short length immediately alongside the market I counted 29 of these signs. Bad enough when you can see them and walk round them, but an unnecessary and unwelcome hazard if you're blind.

....mostly about boating on NB Jubilee
Wot - no Subway!
Wot do you mean?
In Brentwood, the shopkeepers are very angry because the council has ordered them to remove their boards from the pavement for being both unsightly and a menace to those who are blind or partially so.
H senior
There's a bit more space here in Norwich, but the boards seem to be encroaching more and more.
It looks like such an attractive town too! I have a thing about billboards...I could start to get a thing about these too!
The good thing about Norwich: it's a long way from anywhere, crime is low and so are insurance premiums.
The bad thing about Norwich: it's a long way from anywhere.
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