Here is the weekly snapshot of Tony Blews's UK Waterways Ranking Site, taken at 2030. For some reason I couldn't fit the whole of the top thirty into the screen grab this time.
1 Jim Shead's Waterways Information (=)
2 Pennine Waterways (=)
3 JustCanals.com - Forums (=)
4 Granny Buttons (=)
5 nb Ten Bob Note (=)
6 UKCanals Network (=)
7 Retirement with No Problem (+2)
8 Jannock Website (=)
9 Canal Photos (-2)
10 Narrowboat Gypsy Rover (+4)
11 nb Epiphany (+1)
12 Derwent6 (+3)
13 Waterway Routes (=)
14 nb Lucky Duck (-4)
15 Narrowboat Bones (-4)
16 Working Boat Hadar (=)
17 CanalPlanAC (+6)
18 Seyella's Journey (-1)
19 nb Warrior (-1)
20 Water Explorer (+1)
21 Narrowboat Debdale (+4)
22 Khayamanzi (+8)
23 Narrowboat Caxton (+1)
24 UK Waterways Ranking Site (-4)
25 nb Kestrel (-3)
26 nb Piston Broke (-)
27 Tony Clayton's Canal Photographs (-1)
28 Takey Tezey Tales (-9)
29 Captain Ahab's Watery Tales (-2)
30 Google Earth Canal Maps (-)
The figures in parentheses denote the number of places moved since the previous week; (-) denotes new entry or re-entry.
CanalPlanAC continues its rapid rise, up six this week (up seven last week). Tony Blews's "other" site, Google Earth Canal Maps, has made its first showing, in at number 30. And I don't think nb Piston Broke has been in the top thirty before: here it is at number 26.
Halfie is at number 41 (that's what I get for not blogging more frequently); there are 71 sites listed altogether.