I've asked Carl, of Maclogics, to come and fix my broken Mac. The day booked is this Wednesday, when I don't have to go to work, so I'll be able to watch and learn. And supply tea.
I haven't really thought too much about what I'll do if it's not economically repairable: I'll cross that bridge when - no, if - I get to it. Heather of Takey Tezey is exhorting me to ditch the Mac and return to the PC world; there will be others, Mac zealots, who will tell me that would be madness. I've tasted the Apple, I know how sweet it is. I'm sitting on the fence. We have both varieties of computer in our household: each has advantages over the other.
Perhaps the biggest argument in favour of the Mac is that it runs Final Cut, a powerful video editing package. The equivalent for PCs is Avid, which I've tried, but I prefer Final Cut. Not that it's without its problems: for some unfathomable reason it keeps crashing when I try to capture my rushes. Hmm ... perhaps Carl might have an idea about that too.
Another nice thing about the Mac is the way it handles photographs. It's very easy to upload them, tweak them, resize them and export them, which I've found invaluable for my blog. On our recent cruise I blogged via Jan's PC laptop, and had great difficulty resizing photos. OK, I could get better at it, but it is much more complicated.
Er ... and pros of the PC? Cheaper. Possibly easier to fix if it goes wrong. More "experts" around.
Heading north: Day 1
We were awake fairly early, because it was a big day. Firstly, it was my
55th birthday so there were cards and presents over breakfast (including a
6 hours ago
I can feel the pressure!
I always say to prospective Mac owners to write down what they want the machine to do. I tell them to look at the PC and to look at the Mac as they both have, as you said, advantages over the other.
Ultimately, though, everyone should own a Mac. Especially a modern Mac as it can run the Mac OS but also almost every other OS out there.
See you Wednesday. I have lots of narrowboat related questions for you!
No pressure, Carl! I look forward to talking boating.
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