I changed both fuel filters this afternoon. I wasn't expecting quite so much muck in the first filter/agglomerator.
It looks worryingly how I imagine the dreaded diesel bug to look, but the actual diesel was the usual bright pinkish colour. I'll next suck up some diesel from the bottom of the fuel tank and see what that's like. The engine has been running fine.
This is the top part of the first filter arrangement: the bolt through the top holds the filter in place with the metal bowl underneath.
Two fellow bloggers' boats passed our temporary mooring at Gayton Junction today, neither stopped. Waiouru motored past while I was in the Grand Junction Boat Company office - I saw the back end disappearing towards Blisworth. Jan (Jubilee Jan) had exchanged a few words with Tom, who said he was coming back. Well, Tom, if you do, we won't be here. GJBC will be having the boat for a couple of weeks to do a few jobs while we return home. The other non-stop boat was Briar Rose. I had, by chance, seen and spoken to Adam and Adrian as they were leaving Thrupp Wharf Marina by car to collect BR after its blacking. I had been picking up our car. As they went past in the same direction as Waiouru I was dripping with diesel.
Tomorrow we have to be up early as we have a BCF event in Banbury (not canalside) and we need to leave the boat ready for the work to be done. I'll blog about the work when we return to the boat in a couple of weeks.
Braunston Top Lock
An early start this morning by our standards because you never know how
long you have to wait at Watford. Not much sign of progress at the old
Edwards Re...
2 hours ago