If you're squeamish about eight-legged crawly things then you probably won't have clicked on the link. For everyone else, this is what Jan suddenly noticed in our sitting room yesterday evening.
Hundreds - well, dozens - of baby spiders, which looked like black specks until I used a magnifying glass, were on a web we'd not noticed before. They were mostly motionless, but some of them ran around a bit when I got a bit close with my camera.
The flash has revealed them to be not black at all. As soon as I'd got a photo or two we vacuumed them up, and then I put the vacuum cleaner in the conservatory. Oh dear - did they crawl out in the night?
But where did they - or their parents - come from? I suspect the logs for the woodburner.
Foxton top lock
Another day of no wind and very misty, The boat ahead started his engine OK
this morning and left about 9-45 [image: DSCF0164]
We only met two boats, one...
6 hours ago
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