Greenwich had splashed out on a LED Christmas tree, well, not a tree exactly. More like a cone with a star on top.

Depending on how they're powered, LEDs often have a curious stroboscopic property which I find disconcerting in car rear lights and traffic lights. The LEDs on the "tree" were flickering on and off many times a second, especially noticeable when you quickly scan your eyes across them, or when you take a photo while moving the camera, as here.

Would someone with experience of LED lighting on their boat like to confirm that their lights give a steady illumination and don't flicker? Thanks.
Got led's in a G 11 fitting which we use for reading with & dont notice any flicker. Alf
We have LEDs right through the boat and I have never noticed this effect but I have not noticed it on rear lights or traffic lights.Maybe you are more sensitive to high speed flashes than me and I just cant see it.
Alf and Brian, thanks for your responses. Yes, perhaps it is my over-sensitivity.
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