OK, not importance exactly. Advantage, really (but that wouldn't have been quite so Wildean).
Anyway, the advantage of calling my blog Halfie is that the name doesn't have to change according to the name of my boat.
By the way, putting "halfie" into a search engine throws up a definition I hadn't come across before: a person of mixed race. I suppose "halfie" in that sense is pronounced "half" (as in 1/2) with "ee" on the end; whereas to pronounce me/my blog say "hal" (as in the prince) followed by "fee".
Sarah has stopped blogging on NB Warrior, which is now effectively archived. Instead, she entertains us with her NB Chertsey blog. I can see one great advantage in following Sarah's example, though: as she says, a new blog comes with a whole new upload allowance. How close had you come to your limit in Warrior, Sarah?
I'm up to 20% on Halfie. I've been careful to resize most photos to 900 x 675 or 800 x 600 pixels in an attempt to keep plenty of space in hand for the years to come.
Speaking of uploads, which photo should accompany this post? I can't think of anything appropriate, so here's an unfrozen (tidal, just) River Waveney near Beccles. The bridge carries the A146; the land to the left is Norfolk; to the right is Suffolk. (Pic taken before it was properly light, on the morning of 6th January 2010 (air temperature -3˚C.)
I was only up to 25% but I fancied a fresh start. I always mean to get around to resizing photos but I know I never will. By the way, I've finally answered your burning question in my comments today... if you hadn't already worked it out by now.
Thanks Sarah, yes, I had worked it out! And having full size photos is good for us readers. It's annoying sometimes - on some blogs - clicking on a photo and seeing it's only a small one to begin with.
I'm glad you have given us the correct pronunciation as I have been saying 1/2-ee. Also, most heartily agree about the observation about picture size. Drives me nuts when I click on a picture and the results is smaller that the one displayed in the blog. Also, big pictures help folks like me with bad eyesight catch all the details that would go unnoticed otherwise.
Bill, I keep a magnifying glass by the computer. I can enlarge text size with the click of a button, but photos are more difficult!
I use firefox instead of the magnifying glass. If you hit Ctrl and the + key together it magnifies the text, Ctrl + - key makes it smaller, in case you overdo it. I does magnify the pictures, but it's not as effective as viewing larger images.
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