When we arrived at Market Harborough yesterday we didn't tie up - as we usually do - as close to the boat in front as possible. This was because the owner had set out chairs and was fishing from the bank. As I mentioned yesterday there was plenty of space, so we didn't create a problem. We just left a gap. Thinking about it now, perhaps the thing to have done might have been to leave a boat-length's gap. That way, if the moorings did fill up, the angler would have had no option but to cede to a potential moorer. (And it wouldn't have been me having to ask him to give way!)
When the boater/fisher moved to the services block in the basin he did something I can't remember ever having witnessed before. He arranged his four chairs along the bank to "reserve" his mooring. I stayed well out of it!
We did a substantial food shop in the town, had lunch, and moved back to Foxton Junction where we took on water. The water point we used was the one by the swing footbridge (much, much easier to swing than the road bridge) - but the tap handle had broken off. I used a pair of pliers to operate it and all was well.
We then moved down the Leicester Section and tied up at Debdale Wharf, where we should be getting blacked over the next couple of days.
After tea on board we went for a walk along the towpath and heard, then saw, this wren.
It will be a while before we get lifted out for blacking as there is currently a boat on the stands next to the wet dock. It looks pressure washed but not blacked. We'll see what happens.
Welton Field Marina entrance
We set off at 10 am, the first stop was only 50 yards away on the offside
where we stopped for water, whilst there I nipped into Midland Chandlers to
9 hours ago
We had a first yesterday a boat passing us with nobody at the helm. It scrapped along our boat and was heading for the back of the boat moored in front of us when a head popped up out of the cabin to see disaster looming. Think he thought that he could leave the boat unmanned and it would stay going in a straight direction. And yes it was a seasoned boater. HELP!!
We must have just missed each other. We had lunch at Br61 yesterday and walked down the Market Harborough arm as far as the Foxton bridge afterwards. We had already walked over the fields and back along the canal past Debdale Wharf in the morning.
Thanks Jan sounds eventful day usually we find fishermen right on the lock moorings!! We are on way back now and have the floating market to look forward to on 25th and26th July. Xxhope boat blacking doesn’t take too long . Steph and Malc
Looks like reserving moorings has become the done thing. I too had the same situation when we arrived at Fenny Stratford. https://nbfreespirit.blogspot.com/2020/07/beggars-question.html
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