We walked to Smeeton Westerby this morning, another pleasant village. We were surprised to see a sign at the King's Head pub ...
… reading, in large capital letters, "REGULARS ONLY".
We are on the edge of Leicester lockdown territory, further highlighted by the Foxton Locks Inn requiring ID and proof of address before allowing prospective customers to be served.
We left our lovely quiet spot at Saddington - untroubled by passing boats as there weren't any - and returned to Foxton. This is the canal end of the (unnavigable) feeder from Saddington Reservoir.
Some time ago there were CRT notice alerts about a landslip closing the canal at Debdale Wharf. This must be where it happened. No wonder it took a long time to clear; it must have provided quite a log bonanza for someone.
We tied up at Foxton on the one day mooring opposite the bottom lock and got a surprise visit from a couple of fellow BCF members, Mike and Lesley of nb Ottawa. They had moored above the locks and walked down to join us for drinks. Here's a rare shot which includes me (I asked another boater to oblige with my camera).
Tomorrow we'll return to Market Harborough for a day; I'll get some Sikaflex sealant from Screwfix for the mushroom. I put two coats of Hammerite on the treated rust this afternoon in perfect conditions.
Welton Field Marina entrance
We set off at 10 am, the first stop was only 50 yards away on the offside
where we stopped for water, whilst there I nipped into Midland Chandlers to
11 hours ago
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