Monday, 8 December 2014

Tree work provides several years' worth of logs

Last week we had a huge ash tree cut down. Large pieces were beginning to fall off into neighbours' gardens; when we had a tree surgeon look at it he pointed out that the trunk was in danger of splitting. So, unfortunately, it had to go.

Three men arrived at 0830 and left as it got dark at about 1600.

Daniel spent almost the entire time in the tree, cutting off branches and lowering them to the ground.

The last piece was the highest, largest and most difficult.

There it goes ...

Phew! The strap held.

In front of the hedge is what's left of the stump, just below the fence.

I have been having great fun splitting the huge rounds into lovely logs.

This is just a small fraction of the potential logs. We should have enough to keep us going for a few years.

If only the boat were a little closer.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Oh boy! Boaters gold no where near a boat!