Yesterday we took part in the local walking group's final outing of the year.
We started and finished at The Dove, Poringland in Norfolk.
Conditions were perfect: cold but sunny with hardly any wind.
We walked just four miles, with a stop for coffee half way. Not exactly in Tom's (Waiouru) league, but in pleasant company.
I was pleased with the self-timed photo. I just put my rucksack down, put my coat and hat on it, rested the camera on top, selected the timer and pressed the button.
Back at the pub we had a Christmas meal. Not the best but, as I say, the company was good.
Today we ate out again, this time Sunday lunch in the village carvery. The occasion was the church choir annual Christmas meal; the food was excellent. After this I did more log chopping and stacking. The undealt-with pile is going down as the log store is growing; I now need to do more chain sawing of the larger pieces to give me more to split.
Heading north: Day 1
We were awake fairly early, because it was a big day. Firstly, it was my
55th birthday so there were cards and presents over breakfast (including a
7 hours ago
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