Here is the UK Waterways Site Ranking (top thirty-six places) as it stood at 0920 on Sunday 6th April 2014. This is taken, with permission, from Tony Blews's UK Waterways Ranking Site.
Tony has a poll running inviting you to vote on some aspects of the ranking system: click here for details.
1 Canal World Discussion Forums (=)
2 CanalPlanAC (=)
3 Pennine Waterways (=)
4 Living on a Narrowboat (=)
5 Jim Shead's Waterways Information (=)
6 UKCanals Network (=)
7 Retirement with No Problem (=)
8 Water Explorer (=)
9 Waterway Routes (=)
10 boatrent (+2)
11 Towpath Treks (=)
12 boatshare (-2)
13 nb Epiphany (=)
14 Canal Shop Company (+2)
15 BCBM Ltd (=)
16 NB The Manly Ferry (+1)
17 nb Waiouru (+11)
18 Captain Ahab's Watery Tales (=)
19 Narrowboat Briar Rose (+2)
20 Halfie (+4)
21 boats and cruising (-2)
22 Narrowboat Dreaming .... Parisien Star (-2)
23 freespirit (+2)
24 The Association of Continuous Cruisers (+6)
25 Contented Souls (-11)
26 Narrowboat Chance (-4)
27 Seyella's Journey (-4)
28 Boats and Canals Forum (+8)
29 Milburn Boats Ltd (+5)
30 Skippy's Random Ramblings (+1)
31 NABO (-)
32 NB Northern Pride (-)
33 Badger Sandwiches (-)
34 The Real Life of a Narrowboat Wife (+1)
35 Google Earth Canal Maps (-9)
36 Still Rockin' (-4)
The figures in parentheses denote the number of places moved since the previous chart;
(-) denotes new entry or re-entry into the chart;
(=) denotes no change.
There are 110 entries, down from 111 last week.
Well we left home at quarter past ten and at quarter past one we were
parked in the marina. Not a bad run, just one hold up on the A14 where it
dropped t...
5 hours ago
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