It's difficult to go anywhere on the waterways now without bumping into a fellow blogger or two. On our recent trip to Watford for the IWA National Festival we met for the first time Doug and James of nb Chance.
We have now tried - and enjoyed - the Lady Grey. Thanks guys.
At the festival itself, while we were manning the Boaters Christian Fellowship stand, Martin and Margaret of nb Erin-Mae introduced themselves to us. No photo, unfortunately.
Later I saw Sue and Richard, with obligatory greyhounds (sorry - I didn't record their names), of nb Indigo Dream.
On the Sunday, I think it was, I met James and Amy of mb Willow as they were walking to the site entrance. In the afternoon we joined this merry throng for a while (before I disappeared to buy my solar kit) - from left: Kath and Neil of nb Herbie; Carrie (hidden!) of nb Blackbird; Simon of nb Tortoise; Sarah and Jim of nb Chertsey (Bakewell was not in attendance). James and Amy joined after I took the photo.
I think that was it for the festival, but on the way back to Milton Keynes we stopped to say hello to Jill and Graham of nb Matilda Rose, another first time meeting. I can't think why MR is not on my blogroll - I'll have to rectify the situation.
We also met up with Del and Al of nb Derwent6 but, somehow, I omitted to photograph the occasion.
Heading north: Day 1
We were awake fairly early, because it was a big day. Firstly, it was my
55th birthday so there were cards and presents over breakfast (including a
7 hours ago
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