I had already tried to unscrew the screws holding it together: nearly all of their heads had rusted so badly that a screwdriver was ineffective. The only solution, as I saw it, was to drill the heads off.

After a long time, and much pulling and bashing, I managed to separate the two halves of the case. But I am no nearer repairing it, as I can't remove the bit with the twizzly knob from the inner drum, meaning that I can't get to where the inner end of the hose attaches.
I think I'll give up. If a new hose reel hasn't miraculously appeared on board, I'll check out the chandlers I pass ...
Try "Hozelock" on the Screwfix search, 25m hose on a steel framed reel £14.99 !! Not worth faffing around with the old one ?!
I am glad you posted that, I was about to go down the same route with the same reel, the hose has kinked a couple of times so I said to Diana just today that I will have to fit a new hose.
Best start googleing for a new one.
£20 from Amazon or Tesco Direct
Thanks Alf. I tried a couple of narowboat chandlers with no success - didn't think of Screwfix.
Brian - see above!
I saw the first Screwfix posting but like the plastic box that we use at the moment, much easier to store for us.
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