This is Mill House, dated 1838, at Tilstone Lock, I believe.

And here are the stables at Bunbury Staircase locks ...

And a building at the narrows just above Barbridge Junction - what was this used for?

Actually, there are too many buildings photos for one post. One more? Oh, go on then.

This is perhaps the most unusual of the buildings I snapped: corrugated steel on an old brick and timber building, completely anonymous, and with security lights and cameras all over it.

We moored outside it on the Montgomery Canal at Queen's Head. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

In the chronological record of our October cruise I haven't even got up to our first overnight mooring. Perhaps I can make this cruise last until Christmas!
Still to come: how my bike was "adjusted" by a lift bridge, Vivaldi weather, and a perfect rainbow. Keep watching this space!
You're right, they are all unusual, aren't they? The barn with windows looks as if it might have been a workshop with its big doors at the end. Maybe once for canal related machinery perhaps?
Looking forward to the 'more to come'.
The black and white building is the Wild Boar Hotel @ Beeston.
NB Pendle Warter
Richard, thanks. I've amended the post.
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