Barrowford Bottom Lock to Johnson's Top Lock
David writes: Will and David up at 0635 and under way at 0650. Cruised through Burnley - no traffic, no pedestrians.
At 1220 moored up at Church church. Had a can of cider in the world's worst pub (not as described in Nicholson's): the world's most boring man tried to hitch a lift to Blackburn. David and Will left quietly by the back door.
Under way again at 1335 Quiet run through Blackburn - well maintained locks. Hot and sunny. Arrived Johnson's Hillock Top Lock at 2000. Ate and drank in top lock pub, adjacent to the boat. The Polish chef (who claimed to have started only that morning, and could do only beans on toast) did us a good steak casserole.
Fight in pub - broken glass + police - but lasted only two minutes. To bed at 2300.
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