Yesterday we took part in the local walking group's final outing of the year.
We started and finished at The Dove, Poringland in Norfolk.
Conditions were perfect: cold but sunny with hardly any wind.
We walked just four miles, with a stop for coffee half way. Not exactly in Tom's (Waiouru) league, but in pleasant company.
I was pleased with the self-timed photo. I just put my rucksack down, put my coat and hat on it, rested the camera on top, selected the timer and pressed the button.
Back at the pub we had a Christmas meal. Not the best but, as I say, the company was good.
Today we ate out again, this time Sunday lunch in the village carvery. The occasion was the church choir annual Christmas meal; the food was excellent. After this I did more log chopping and stacking. The undealt-with pile is going down as the log store is growing; I now need to do more chain sawing of the larger pieces to give me more to split.
Braunston Top Lock
An early start this morning by our standards because you never know how
long you have to wait at Watford. Not much sign of progress at the old
Edwards Re...
1 hour ago