Two firemen were watching the water being aerated; a hose led from the canal up the bank and over the bridge. I asked what was going on. Didn't I know about the fire at the recycling plant? No, I didn't. Not until now. Apparently the plume of smoke could be seen from 40 miles away; the fire had been burning for three days and was likely too continue for another three.
Why was the water being aerated? Polluted runoff from the fire was finding its way back to the canal, with a devastating effect on the fish.
Two miles further down, at York Street Lock just above Stourport Basin, scores of dead fish were floating just below the surface of the water.

Environment Agency workers were scooping them up with a net ...

... while more aeration was carried out.

I didn't see any stoppage alerts about this. I expect it's all over now.
Scooping dead fish out of the canal must be such a depressing job - such a sad sight.
I didn't see a stoppage notice either - I assume that the pollution wasn't harmful to boaters.
Sue, nb Indigo Dream
Why not net as many living fish that where swimming up canal in schouls and place else where to save so many casualtys it was very distressing to witness such a horrific scene whilst out on a ramble and also seeing fishermen on lower canals fishing unaware of plight I'm 67 and hope I never see such a thing again fish are cold blooded and have no feelings. ??? I disagree predators where swimming with there usual prey trying to get out of the situation it looked like tapio not a canal wlth thousands of fish you wood not expect to see in the piece I walked this Saturday lunchtime... I hope someone something is done quickly to help those who cannot help there selves bless
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