Saturday, 9 February 2013

Jan does well in "quiz"

We took part in a fund raising event for our local church this evening.

It was a quiz and food - no chips.

At half time most of us formed a circle round the room, put a pound in a couple of boxes, and passed the boxes round while music played. When the music stopped the people holding the boxes sat down, and the music restarted. Eventually there were just two people left - the two boxes had been combined - and Jan was one of the two. People, not boxes. (Are you following this?)

When the music stopped for the final time Marion was holding the box, which meant that Jan was the winner.

She magnanimously shared the proceeds (half of which had already been taken out for the church funds) with another competitor after a box-dropping incident.

Oh - I managed to be on the winning team in the actual quiz (yes, somehow Jan and I ended up on different tables) so I came away with a bottle of wine. Jan's winnings covered the cost of our tickets and the wine "replaces" the beer I took to drink, so we've done all right, really!

(updated to improve accuracy)

1 comment:

Andy Tidy said...

You could do that game in reverse and have to keep adding a pound every time the box passes you so the first out wins by paying less but the last, who has contributed the most takes all. I a sure that there is a theological weakness in this concept...