It gives a good non-slip surface while allowing rainwater and dirt to drain away.

On both sides, front and back, are fold-out steps which make climbing up to the cabin top easy. I'm going to have to do something about the slippery (gloss painted) surface up there, though.

And one more feature is a holder, fixed immediately behind the rudder post, for the rotary washing line. This will be very useful for Ally and Ben in the marina. The clothes line was supplied too.
You need to check if the Marina allows washing to be hung outside boats, it's not allowed here at Kings Bromley.
Good point, Ray. I'll let Ally and Ben deal with that one! I think the rules say something about not having stuff on top of the boats, but I don't think that particular restriction is heavily enforced.
Fantastic Idea,
Did you make it of purchase it from somewhere. If the latter, would you care to share the purveyor??
Anon, it came with the boat.
Watch out for that matting - we had it on WB and it scratched through the deck paint and made it rust.
Thanks for the tip, Cap'n. I'll keep my eye on it.
I got rid of the non-slip sanded paint on the roof and replaced it with gloss- because I was taking too many risks with it non-slip, and so felt I needed to stop myself doing that!
That's an interesting approach, James! I assume it works for you, but I do like to be able to walk on top of the boat, especially when single handing through locks. I suppose it is safer to bow haul through though ...
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