Friday 6 May 2016

A little walk to Fenny Compton

We walked along the towpath to Fenny Compton Marina where we turned right to walk alongside a tall green wire security fence to reach the road. Here we turned left to go under the railway bridges. The railways run at the level of the surrounding land, so the road dives underneath. Unfortunately no provision was made for pedestrians so we had to run the gauntlet of the fast traffic. Another problem is the dip itself - depth gauges marked up to six feet indicate how much water can collect.

In the village itself there is a wide variety of house styles. The one shop is a good-size Co-op where we bought a couple of bananas.

The Methodist Church is squeezed into a tiny gap between houses. How did that come about?

The parish church was interesting. It had a very well-written guide incorporating the Christian message. Somehow I failed to take a picture.

Another warm, sunny day. Long may it last!

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