This is Bumble Hole Pool at Windmill End near the junction of Dudley Nos. 1 and 2 Canals at half-past-seven on a spring morning.

And this is the interpretive sign on its bank. "Bumble Hole Pool Wildlife" appear to have been at work on the sign.

Even Andrew Denny's graffiti removal cloths would struggle with this vandalism.

Have you seen the thread on CWDF re boring blogs?
I am currently compiling the top 10 most boring - gen you seem ok, but this one was poor!
s, I'm sorry you think this post was poor. Perhaps you could suggest how it could be improved.
Please comment again, this time with your name and details of your own blog. Then I will be able to look it up, see how a good blog should be, and learn from it.
Graffiti is the 21st century's most unslightly disease. What a shame that an informative sign had to be defaced this way.
And Halfie, your blog is of endless interest to me and never boring. I love reading it and always come back. I don't always have time to follow blogs, but when I do, yours is one of the first I go to.
Aw, VallyP, I don't know what to say! Thanks!
sorry - your blog is good. I'd opened the Debdale/Briar Rose list of blogs as I find them the most comprehensive. Then had some bad news and lashed out! Please accept my apology.
S, thank you. Apology accepted.
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