At Stewart Aqueduct over the New Main Line there is the extra thrill of passing under a railway line which is itself passing under the M5 motorway.

Well, almost. Strictly speaking, as the railway runs alongside the New Main Line, we must have passed under the tracks before crossing the aqueduct. But close enough.

Where's the motorway, I hear you asking?
It's this side.

An hour later we would be here again, only this time passing under the canal under the railway under the motorway...
Let me guess: here? ;-)
Google Earth 52°30'21.07"N 1°59'50.87"W
Thanks to your descriptions I find things on the map I would have overlooked otherwise.
Aha, I see my other half has got here before me. Halfie, Koos has become totally fascinated by your blog since I told him about your trip this last April. this latest post just goes to show how rich the area is in interesting features. Thanks again.
Koos, yes, that's the place, and welcome to my blog!
VallyP, Birmingham is indeed richly endowed with fascinating glimpses of the past. I never tire of exploring the canals round here.
Apologies, by the way, for not replying to comments over the last few days. I've been boating again!
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