Oh well, we said hello to friends, and were encouraged to visit boats Ki-Wi and Pilgrim's Progress for a cup of tea later on.

The first photograph I took was of some of the stunning output of a canal artist, who was painting traditional-style castles and roses decoration on all sorts of things. Unfortunately I didn't make a note of the name of the artist, but looking through the list of exhibitors, the entry "Sue's Roses & Castles" rings a bell.

Is this Sue (seated)?
A search for "Sue's Roses & Castles" merely returns the entry from the exhibitors' list I'd consulted in the first place!
Hi Halfie, yes that is indeed Sue sitting down painting. She's a wonderful artist and painted our buckby can for us a couple of years ago, which we were over the moon with.
Thanks Del and Al. Yes, her work looked stunning. I'm not surprised you're please with your can.
What a fantastic collection of canal art. Beautiful!
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