Here is this week's snapshot of Tony Blews's chart of the most popular UK waterways websites. I've noticed that he also compiles separate lists of the top canal blogs; and top waterways sites which aren't blogs. I shall continue to take snapshots of just the overall chart.
1 Jim Shead's Waterways Information (=)
2 Pennine Waterways (=)
3 JustCanals.com - Forums (=)
4 Granny Buttons (=)
5 nb Ten Bob Note (=)
6 Canal Photos (=)
7 UKCanals Network (=)
8 Retirement with No Problem (=)
9 nb Epiphany (=)
10 Jannock Website (=)
11 Narrowboat Gypsy Rover (+1)
12 nb Lucky Duck (+1)
13 Derwent6 (+1)
14 Working Boat Hadar (+2)
15 Narrowboat Bones (-4)
16 Waterway Routes (+1)
17 nb Kestrel (+4)
18 Tony Clayton's Canal Photographs (-3)
19 Takey Tezey Tales (+10)
20 Water Explorer (+6)
21 Seyella's Journey (+6)
22 Narrowboat Debdale (+6)
23 Narrowboat Starcross (new entry)
24 UK Waterways Ranking Site (-2)
25 Narrowboat Caxton (-7)
26 CanalPlanAC (-2)
27 nb Warrior (-2)
28 Lazy Days (-8)
29 Contented Souls (-6)
30 Captain Ahab's Watery Tales (=)
There's one new entry this week: Narrowboat Starcross, in at number 23. The biggest mover within the top thirty is Takey Tezey, with a leap of ten places. The top ten websites have stayed exactly where they were last week. There are 72 websites listed.
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