From last week there's been no movement in the positions of the top eight sites, and, apart from the new entries, the biggest change has been of just four places. I can't judge exactly how high the new entries have jumped as my weekly grab is only of the top thirty (I might have to change the title of these posts). There are now 72 sites registered.
1 Jim Shead's Waterways Information (=)
2 Pennine Waterways (=)
3 JustCanals.com - Forums (=)
4 Granny Buttons (=)
5 nb Ten Bob Note (=)
6 Canal Photos (=)
7 UKCanals Network (=)
8 Retirement with No Problem (=)
9 nb Epiphany (+3)
10 Jannock Website (-1)
11 Narrowboat Bones (=)
12 Narrowboat Gypsy Rover (-2)
13 nb Lucky Duck (+2)
14 Derwent6 (+3)
15 Tony Clayton's Canal Photographs (+4)
16 Working Boat Hadar (-2)
17 Waterway Routes (-4)
18 Narrowboat Caxton (-2)
19 Khayamanzi (-1)
20 Lazy Days (=)
21 nb Kestrel (=)
22 UK Waterways Ranking Site (+2)
23 Contented Souls (+4)
24 CanalPlanAC (+2)
25 nb Warrior (-3)
26 Water Explorer (new entry)
27 Seyella's Journey (-4)
28 Narrowboat Debdale (-3)
29 Takey Tezey Tales (+1)
30 Captain Ahab's Watery Tales (new entry)
What happened to Wednesday 18th March? I am all agog. And what is all this Top Twenty blog? They do not look like pop groups to me.
Ah yes, Wednesday 18th March. That'll be the last day of our move of NB Willow to Northolt, the write-up of which got delayed owing to other boating and blogging activities. I will write it up soon.
The Top Twenty, as blogged here, is a list of the most popular UK websites with canal themes as monitored by Tony Blews on his UK Waterways Site Ranking website. I try to take a snapshot once a week so people can see how sites' popularity changes.
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