The best pictures come when the directional aerial on its high pole is plugged directly into the TV. This is an unusual sight when we're on the boat as we watch hardly any television.

When we started up after breakfast we found we had no drive: the copper pipe carrying gearbox oil had broken and was spraying all the oil into the engine bilge.

Dave, from Adrastea moored in front of us, tried to help...

... but neither of us had spotted the oil leak. Nick Sherratt responded to our call for help to OwnerShips, and fixed it all within just one hour of the phone call.

Once under way we were quckly up the Watford Locks and through Crick Tunnel We stopped to walk up Cracks Hill, first encountering these miniature ponies.

Cracks Hill itself is perfect: no false summits and views all round. Look how good the weather was!

North of Bridge 18 the fields are divided by low polythene fences stretching into the distance. I have no idea what they're for.

Our mooring for the night, north of Bridge 27 on the Leicester Section.

Super pics here. I am ever jealous of the peace on the English canals there. It looks so idyllic.
Thanks VallyP. We were on a mission (as always) so perhaps we didn't stop enough to appreciate the peacefulness fully. When we have our own boat outright....
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