When boating in winter, or after an early start at any time of year, nothing beats a good old fry-up for breakfast. It's a meal which can be enjoyed at all hours, so why do certain establishments have such restricted hours for "Full English/Welsh/Scottish (and /Irish probably, but I've not been there) Breakfast? Many eateries impose a cut-off of 11.30 am, after which time you have to have something less tasty, with chips, costing a lot more. I noticed a hotel in Wymondham the other day advertising a "full breakfast" for just 99p - but it was available only for a couple of hours in the morning. When I'm feeling particularly hungry at work I sometimes go to George's stall on Norwich Market for lunch: a "breakfast" of two eggs, two rashers of bacon, baked beans, two slices of toast and a mug of tea - all for £3.00. Brilliant!
British cuisine at its best.
Oh breakfast! Oh breakfast The meal of my heart
Bring porridge, bring sausage, bring fish for a start
Bring kidneys and mushrooms and partridges legs
But let the foundation be Bacon and Eggs
The last of 7 verses of a poem by AP Herbert 1931
Perhaps not a breakfast for hotter climes but for Northern Europe just perfect! You can keep your cold meats and cheeses - bring on the cholesterol with toast please...
Neil - yes, yes, yes! Except for the fish.
Lesley - hear hear. We stayed in a youth hostel in Austria on a singing trip once: breakfast consisted of cold meat and rolls (cold). And cold orange juice. It was a great place though!
Kippers! to you
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