Forget about the Granny Effect (sorry Andrew). For boosting visitor numbers to your blog just mention Elvis Presley. (I did, and I'm not sure I got away with it.)
Four days ago I posted under the title "Open air Elvis and other larger-than-life people on London's canals".

I was astonished when my hit count leapt up the next day to more than 400, nearly double the previous record. This is even more surprising given that I haven't ticked the "make my blog searchable by search engines" box. Nearly all the people who looked at my blog that day were from the USA. How did they find it?
The screen grab of the statistics, from StatCounter.com, shows the surge in visitors very clearly (top of this post).
The first peak, on 8th September (244 hits), corresponds with Andrew Denny's post of that day where he draws attention to where I wrote, on my blog, about our propeller falling off. (He then gives an excellent account, with all the photos, of Granny Buttons's prop being removed and replaced on a new prop shaft.)
The second peak, on 14th September (258 hits), corresponds with Maffi's post "A wet Halfie". The Maffi Effect? It comes the day after I cheekily entitled a post "Boat capsizes!".
But the third peak, corresponding with the Elvis post (402 hits), puts both these in the shade.
(Will the same thing happen again now I've posted this? Let's see!)
1 comment:
Interesting Halfie! I've always believed a good title attracts attention and views, but this really proves it.
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