Tuesday 22 September 2009

Flying key and dirt in the lens

Part of the procedure for working through Dedham Lock on the River Stour is padlocking the top gates open afterwards. Rather than walking along the lock to the bottom gates, crossing them and walking back along the lock the other side to padlock the other top gate, Michael Graham prefers to chuck the key over to Mick Rogers. Of course, there's a float attached.

But look at the horrible splodge over Mick Rogers, making him look like an ad for Ready Brek. There's a lump of dirt inside the lens assembly of my compact camera. As it's inside the bit which opens out when the camera is powered up I don't know what to do about it. I can't simply wipe it away. What can I do?


Anonymous said...

Where there' a way in there's a way out...
Where there's a will there's a way...

So how the hek any of the above can help out is beyond me, but it was worth a mention anyway...

You sure it's not a bit of condensation?

See now that could be helpful, but don't tell me you've already thought of that one anyway, ah well..

H !

Halfie said...

If I could photograph it I would ... perhaps in a mirror? Hmm. I'll try it. No, it's not condensation, it's brown.

Vallypee said...

Oooh nooo! That's awful. Can you maybe try blowing it away with some kind of puffer thing?

Halfie said...

The problem is, VallyP, that it's inside the works. I can't see any way of getting to it. And I forgot to try the mirror shot and now it's dark. Will have to try in the morning.